What Should I Do if My Movers Are Late?

You’ve been waiting for what feels like hours, but your movers still haven’t shown up. It’s frustrating, especially on a day that’s already stressful enough. Before you start panicking, take a deep breath and assess the situation. Check your contract for the specified arrival time and late arrival policy – are they running behind schedule, or are they already in breach of contract? Knowing this information will help you determine your next steps. But what if they’re running significantly late, or worse, not showing up at all? What options do you have then?

Assess the Situation and Wait

When you’re stuck waiting for movers who are running behind schedule, it’s essential to take a step back and assess the situation. Take a deep breath, and try not to let frustration get the better of you.

Think about what you can control and what you can’t. Check the contract to see if there’s a specified arrival time and what the movers’ policy is on late arrivals.

Consider the time of day and the traffic conditions. If it’s rush hour, it’s likely that the movers are stuck in traffic. If they’re running behind schedule due to unforeseen circumstances, such as a flat tire or inclement weather, there’s little you can do but wait.

Use this downtime to double-check that everything is packed and ready to go. Make sure you have all the necessary documents and contact information handy. If you have a change of address to complete or last-minute phone calls to make, now is the time to take care of them.

Communicate With Your Movers

You’ve assessed the situation and taken care of any last-minute tasks, so now it’s time to get in touch with your movers.

It’s essential to communicate with them to understand the reason for the delay and get an estimated arrival time. When you call your movers, be calm and polite, and try to get as much information as possible.

Here are some key points to cover in your conversation:

  • *Ask for the cause of the delay*: Is it due to traffic, weather, or an unexpected issue with the moving truck?
  • *Get an estimated arrival time*: When can you expect the movers to arrive, and what’s the revised schedule for the move?
  • *Request updates on the moving truck’s location*: Are they close, or do you need to adjust your plans?
  • *Discuss any potential changes to the moving plan*: Will the delay affect the unloading or storage of your belongings?
  • *Confirm the movers’ plan to make up for lost time*: Will they work extra hours to get everything done on the same day?

Review Your Moving Contract

Take a close look at your moving contract to determine the terms and conditions that apply in case of delays. Review the fine print to see if it mentions anything about late arrivals, rescheduling, or compensation for delays. Check if there’s a specific clause that addresses the mover’s liability in case of tardiness.

You should also verify the estimated time of arrival and the agreed-upon moving schedule. See if the contract includes any penalties or fees for late arrivals.

Additionally, review the payment terms to determine if you’re required to pay the movers in full, even if they’re running behind schedule.

Understanding your contract will help you navigate the situation and know your rights.

Make note of any relevant clauses or sections that you can use to negotiate with the Awesome Movers or file a claim, if necessary.

Having a clear understanding of your contract will also help you decide the best course of action to take next.

Familiarize yourself with the contract terms to protect your interests and ensure a smoother resolution.

Explore Alternative Options

Most of the time, movers running late will try to reschedule or adjust their arrival time. However, if this isn’t feasible or you’re not comfortable with the revised schedule, it’s crucial to explore alternative options.

Consider hiring a local, last-minute moving service that can help you relocate on short notice. These services usually have smaller crews and more flexible scheduling.

If you’re unable to find a moving service, think about renting a moving truck or container and recruiting friends and family to help you move. Another option is to hire professional packers to help you pack and then handle the move yourself. This can be especially useful if you only have a small amount of belongings.

Some other alternatives to consider:

  • Asking a friend or family member with a large vehicle to help you move
  • Hiring labor-only movers to load and unload your belongings
  • Using a peer-to-peer moving platform to find local movers
  • Calling a moving broker to find available movers in your area
  • Renting portable storage containers to move and store your belongings

File a Complaint if Necessary

If your movers are late and you’ve been unable to come to a mutually agreeable solution, it’s time to think about filing a complaint. Your first step should be to contact the company directly and express your dissatisfaction.

Make sure to document all interactions with the company, including dates, times, and details of conversations.

If the issue isn’t resolved, you can file a complaint with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) if you’re moving interstate. You can do this online or by calling their complaint hotline. For intrastate moves, contact your state’s consumer protection agency or public utilities commission.

When filing a complaint, provide as much detail as possible about the issue, including the company’s name, your move dates, and any relevant correspondence.

Be clear about the resolution you’re seeking, whether it’s a refund or compensation for damages.

Keep a record of your complaint and any subsequent communication with the company or agency. This will help you track the progress of your complaint and ensure a fair outcome.


If your movers are late, staying calm and proactive can help minimize stress. By assessing the situation, communicating with your movers, reviewing your contract, and exploring alternative options, you can regain control. Remember to file a complaint if necessary to protect your rights. Take charge, and don’t let a delayed move derail your plans – stay focused, and you’ll be on your way to a successful relocation.

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